This project responds to a growing interest in success skills such as communication, collaboration, and critical thinking and the need for related professional development to facilitate these skills in the classroom. Dr. Jiyae Bong and Dr. Ann-Louise Davidson will provide an online professional development program to support middle school teachers in designing and implementing project-based learning using robotics in their schools.
This online PD program will provide resources and ongoing, context-specific support to help middle school teachers (a) learn project-based practices and robotics content knowledge; (b) discuss effective instructional practices to implement interdisciplinary project-based learning; (c) provide a tangible example of project-based learning using robotics; and (d) work collaboratively with the researchers and the instructional designer to develop an interdisciplinary project using Edison robotics.
We are currently seeking funding for the project. We are looking to connect with teachers middle schools (secondary) in Canada and the U.S. Please contact us by email at or
Ji Yae BongAssistant Professor
Demetrius RiceCollaborator
Ann-Louise DavidsonProfessor | Director of Innovation Lab
Demetrius is a doctoral candidate in the Instructional Systems & Learning Technologies program at Florida State University. The focus of his dissertation research is the conditions impacting the implementation of project-based learning in K-12 environments. In addition to his graduate studies, he continues to design and facilitate career and technical education (CTE) related training, camps, and programs for K-12 teachers and students.
Ann-Louise Davidson Ph.D. is the Director of Concordia University’s Innovation Lab and is the Innovation Strategic Advisor for the Faculty of Arts and Science. She is also Associate Director of the Milieux Institute for Art, Culture and Technology, where she directs #MilieuxMake, the institute’s makerspace.