Arduino Day 2021

On March 27th, from 10 to 11:30 am, we held our annual Arduino Day event. The theme for this year’s event was “Undistancing: Open makes us closer”. More than ever, we need to leverage open-source technologies to unite humanity, because we have the power to shorten physical distance by creating opportunities to collaborate, to innovate and to bring people together online so we can explore new ideas and find solutions to real problems using technologies.

This virtual and global celebration introduces the public to the exciting world of Arduino: an open-source hardware and software project and user community that designs and manufactures single-board kits for building digital devices. The full recording of the event is available on the 4th Space YouTube channel.

Twelve participants from all strands of life presented a variety of projects, ranging from embedded wearables, robotic arms, automated gardens or rovers. They came from various neighbourhoods in Montreal, Québec City, Florida and Mozambique.

The event was organized in collaboration with the Milieux Institute, the Innovation Lab and Dawson College and was held virtually at the 4th Space.

Rima Abou-Khalil

Rima Abou-Khalil

Maker by day, and gamer by night, Rima spends hours at #MilieuxMake researching, designing and 3D printing figurines of characters from popular TV shows and video games. She is also passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and curious about how to use AI to create revolutionary gaming experiences. When she is not printing or playing, Rima is shooting baskets.
Ann-Louise Davidson

Ann-Louise Davidson

Professor | Director of Innovation Lab

Ann-Louise Davidson Ph.D. is the Director of Concordia University’s Innovation Lab and is the Innovation Strategic Advisor for the Faculty of Arts and Science. She is also Associate Director of the Milieux Institute for Art, Culture and Technology, where she directs #MilieuxMake, the institute’s makerspace.